The general image of a person is made up of small details, and shoes play an important role there. Alas, regardless of the material, the fame of the manufacturer and the quality of the boots, shoes deteriorate over time. Leather shoe dye will help to get good state of your shoes back. It is available everywhere in a large assortment. However, its choice must be taken very carefully.
There are a lot of situations when there is a need for shoe dye use. In addition to desire of changing the original color, it is used to restore “presentation” of the beloved boots. Most often, it is necessary to eliminate various defects that appeared as a result of careless operation:
- presence of scuffs;
- damage to the upper surface in the form of scratches;
- appearance of dirty spots that can not be eliminated;
- discoloration due to burnout.
The advantages of modern types of dyes include: a variety of colors, convenient application, quick drying, environmental friendliness, affordable cost.
According to the form of release and the purpose of using paint, there are:
- Aerosols for suede. They penetrate deep into the material, renew color, retouch visible abrasions. You can easily spray paint over the entire surface of the shoe with their help. Quick drying is among the benefits.
- Emulsion formulations in liquid form. It does not allow surfaces to crack and stretch. It is used mainly for the repair of summer shoes.
- It is applied with a sponge or swab, has a long-lasting effect. It is not recommended for products made of suede, velor, nubuck.
- Sprays for leather products.
- Sprays designed for textile shoes. They have a water-repellent effect.
- Express sponge. They have a protective impregnation. Give the surface color, shine. Disadvantages include a short-term effect.