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Where is it Better to Install a Canopy

Where is it Better to Install a Canopy
Photo by Bunly Hort on Unsplash

If you are thinking about whether to install a canopy in your backyard, then stop thinking and install it. A canopy is synonymous with the words protection from the sun and rain, an aesthetic addition to the house. Awnings are installed not only in the backyard of the house, but also at bars, restaurants with a summer veranda, outdoor cafes.

Description of species

As already mentioned, you can see the canopies from Shade N Net in a completely different location. Due to the fact that their scope of application is different, there is a wide variety of types of canopies. They can be both stationary and mobile, which is ideal for those who may get bored with the canopy. They also come in completely different shapes: in the form of a wave, angular, semi-circular, round.

Description of species
Photo by Francesco Ungaro from Pexels

Canopies can be classified both by the shape of the roof, and by materials and location.

Location of the canopy

Depending on your territory and destination, the canopy can be positioned in different ways. On the you can find examples of the location. Here are some of them:

  • The canopy can become an extension of the roof of your house;
  • The canopy is a summer roof for outdoor picnics when there is no opportunity to go out into nature;
  • The canopy can be placed on the territory of the entire backyard, if it is necessary to protect you from the scorching sun;
  • The canopy can be placed over the playground so that children do not get burned in the sun, and do not get wet in the rain.
Location of the canopy
Photo by Les Attridge on Unsplash

In addition, there are very interesting and complex options, for example, with a lifting mechanism. Such a canopy can be used to hide a car instead of a garage. Anyone can find a suitable canopy for themselves so that it performs its functions and does not interfere.