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Special Aspects Of Meat Transportation

raw meat on ceramic plate
Photo by moreau tokyo on Unsplash

Hungarian meat is transported both within the country and under export-import contracts. Therefore, the requirements for the transportation of meat and its derivatives are regulated at the international and national levels.

Regulatory requirements

white truck with refrigerator on the road
Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan on Unsplash

Meat is a food product; therefore its turnover is regulated by a number of legislative acts of various levels.

The international requirements are set out in the Codex Alimentarius, a document of the International Commission of FAO/WHO. National requirements are developed on the basis of the Code and can only be tightened.

Requirements for the temperature regime

Depending on the distance and route, requirements are imposed on the vehicle to ensure temperature and humidity conditions in the cargo compartment. Meat can be transported in a chilled, surface-frozen and frozen state:

For long-distance transportation in cases of meat export, the freezing mode is mainly used. Frozen meat is characterized by a temperature of about -8 ° C.

Methods of transportation and features of meat packaging

Butchered animal carcasses are transported:

meat slices focus photo
Photo by Rickie-Tom Schünemann on Unsplash
  • in limbo;
  • stacked;
  • packed in crates.

Depending on the type, carcasses are transported fully or partially butchered.

It is forbidden to transport meat of various degrees of cooling in one cargo compartment, and it is also not allowed to transport fresh meat and cooked meat products in one container or cargo compartment.

Features of the organization of meat transportation

Sanitary documents must be issued for each vehicle transporting meat. The design of the cargo compartment should provide for the possibility of cleaning with the help of detergent disinfectants, followed by the removal of products and detergent from the cargo compartment of the vehicle.

Drivers involved in the transportation of meat must have up-to-date sanitary documents.

The transported meat products must be accompanied by a valid veterinary certificate.

It is advisable to contact specialized transport companies for the transportation of meat and meat products.