To create your own unique style, buy a blue suit, which is considered strict, but at the same time very deep and not memorable. This means that when you wear it with different shirts, you will always look different. A gray suit is good for communication and goes well with other colors. Black is festive, but now it is not even forbidden to wear it in everyday life. Thanks to the black suit, you will look tightened and slimmer. Choose bright colors for hot season, for example, in a stripe or in checks. However, when purchasing a costume that is not of a uniform color, make sure that it suits your appearance in style, otherwise you risk looking ridiculous.
It is equally important to choose the right shirt for the suit. A shirt with a top button that will be a few centimeters from the top of the jacket can tell about your good taste. A shirt should be interesting. Colors should be in harmony with the tone of the suit.
A high-quality mens walking suits can only be found by feel. If you do not feel comfortable in an expensive suit, you will not look great. The perfect suit should ideally fit you and be comfortable. If you cannot find a suitable suit in the store, do not be afraid to ask for individual tailoring. The money spent will pay off with more than the attention of others, especially women and approval in taste.
A single-breasted jacket, regardless of the number of buttons, fastens except the bottom one. If you do not follow this old English tradition, people may think that you are absolutely not familiar with etiquette.
Do not be afraid to look stylish, bright and unusual, but do not forget about the basic rules of etiquette. And remember that only a confident and free walk, as well as your worthy behavior can perfectly complement your perfect suit.