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Let’s choose a swanky door!

Let's choose a swanky door!
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

What should you look for when choosing a door? First of all, buyers expect protection from noise, cold, as well as from criminal attacks in the form of hacking or vandalism. The second important factor is ease of use: reliable hinges, locks and eyes allow the small family members to operate the door without unnecessary effort and hassle. And of course, design is important – it is the door that creates the initial idea of the apartment, which means that it must comply with the general style of the interior. The door leaf can be made of wood, metal, plastic and even special glass.

The simultaneous use of Italian style and neo-Gothic gave the houses a romantic touch of the past. In contrast, the style of Victorian Front Doors is considered very modern, as it imitated the latest French fashion.

A memorable touch of Art Nouveau in Edwardian Front Doors is the elegant glazed paneled front doors. Often, Masonic symbols are carved on wood or stone, and the glass is decorated with stained-glass windows. Often, these magnificent doors are adjacent to an elegant wooden veranda, combining into a single stylistic composition.

Should you pay attention to the country of production? Sure. For example, a door from a well-known Italian or German manufacturer is likely to meet all the requirements and quality standards. However, London doors of domestic companies have long been not inferior to eminent European brands in terms of quality, but at the same time they are much more affordable.

To protect the house from criminal intrusions, the door must be highly resistant to burglary. This quality depends on two parameters: the design of the door leaf, as well as the class and number of locks. But, as you know, there are no doors that cannot be opened, so the third parameter is also important – the presence and type of alarm.