For small-screen printing from 1 to 25 thousand copies per month, hand-held machines are used. When choosing a manual screen machine, preference should be given to specimens with a vacuum table, an adjustable printing carriage (from 100 mm), a micrometric drive for a printing carriage or printing table. It is more convenient to work with a table that has a slope of no more than 30 °. The printing carriage should be lifted horizontally to the printing table, excluding the dripping of ink. An indispensable condition is presence of tack adjustment at four points, as well as adjusting the angle of the blade. When choosing manual equipment for screen printing on textiles, the number of printing sections of the machine should be considered.
Automatic screen printing machines are fully automated systems that require minimal human presence and intervention during operation. ONCE website will help you to choose one. As a rule, these are high-performance multi-color lines for large-scale printing of multi-color format prints. Automatic bottle screen printing machines are indispensable where high printing speed and high quality graphics are required.
The range of inks for screen printing on the modern market for consumables is truly enormous. Therefore, if you do not know which screen printing ink is suitable for your equipment, contact sales consultants or representatives of the ink supply company who will help you choose a series of inks and will assist in testing for compatibility with the printed material.
It should be noted that the abuse of retarders and solvents, as well as non-compliance with weight proportions when adding additives, leads to an irreversible deterioration in the quality of printing inks.