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What are the reasons of buying a bamboo toothbrush?

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Bamboo toothbrushes belong to the category of green products. They were created according to the patterns of the very first Chinese one, which was just a bamboo stick, split at the end. Now bamboo brush, of course, is more complicated in design, but the basic idea has remained the same, and it has added advantages to people’s lives.

People with increased sensitivity of enamel, to whom any pressure causes discomfort, will definitely like this product. Due to the increased softness and thinness of the bristles, they do not scratch the teeth and cope with impurity as painlessly as possible.

Bamboo has natural disinfectant properties – in China it is part of many medicines. It is less likely to pick up an infection with a brush that is stored in non-sterile conditions.

In addition to the fact that the product does not cause allergies, it can be used without toothpaste at all, which can relieve the suffering of a person with an allergy to it.

Any mybamboobrush massages the gums, but this does not cause bleeding.

It is used even for periodontal disease and other gum diseases, which usually make oral care not only undesirable, but also painful.

Having ceased to be usable, it decomposes very quickly, without polluting the already polluted environment.

Due to the thinness of the bristles, they can penetrate into the most inaccessible places and clean them too.

The size of the children’s mouth is smaller than adults’ one, and sensitivity to mechanical stress is usually much stronger, so products designed for them are softer than other brushes. It also looks much more fun – a design with funny monsters or princesses will entertain the child.

There are several types of spraying on the bristles, which allows you to choose the brush that is suitable for you.